08 December 2010

Blowup Christmas

Well neighbor, Buying Season is pert near halve over already.  ‘Course that would be the Christmas Season for most folks.   Yep, Christmas, exceptin’ in them “big-box stores” and TV commercials.  That’s where they like to call it the “holiday season.”  

Now I don’t mind much if you wanta celebrate your Hanukah or Kwanza or whatever.  That’s your business.  But ‘round these parts, we celebrate Christmas.  That’s cause we still remember the real reason for the season.  By the way neighbor, I ain’t never heard of nobody that actually celebrated a solstice.

Anyway, the season is here and if you ain’t done it yet, it’s time to star draggin’ out all that decorating stuff.  Gotta put up them house lights ‘fore the weather gets real ugly.  The inside stuff can wait a bit.  ‘Course if you’re really into that yard decorating thing, you got a bunch more to do than just put up them lights.  Nobody around here’s got the money for all that fancy stuff.  Just affordin’ the light bill is enough for most of my neighbors.

Now up in them big cities, folks get into that blowup stuff.  They got more blowup toys than Carters’ got pills.  And I ain’t just talkin’ Santa Claus and sleighs and reindeer, friend.  I even seen a blowup North Pole workshop!  And they got snow-globes big enough to block your front window.  Reckon you don’t need a Christmas tree if ya got one o’ them.  But it don’t stop there either.  They got your Mickey Mouse and Mini Mouse, squirrels and chipmunks, penguins, Goofy, Buzz the astronaut and some kinda Sponge Pants Square Bob, or whatever. 

Reckon there’s all sorts of stuff you can buy.  'Course I keep thinkin’ ‘bout that old saying, “A fool and his money are soon parted.”  Don’t think buying all that stuff is gonna help our economy any either, seein’ it all comes from China.  ‘Round here, folks just string some lights along the gutters and put their tree in the front window. Nobody’s about to be wastin’ money on them Chinese blowups.

Schucks, now I forgot.  What holiday was it I was yammerin’ about?  What was the reason for this here season?  Now days, I forget too easy.  But then, I am…
Justan O. Geezer