19 March 2011

Maybe the prophet was right.

Howdy neighbor. Yep, been a while.  Reckon you realize I ain't died or nothin' like that.  What I done was, I got good friend (and neighbor) to look after the place so's I could do some traveling.  Seen lots of stuff out there, good and bad.  Naturally, I got a bunch to say about it, but first there's more important things.

Since I've been "on the road again" like Willie says, things been happening all over the world. Them folks over there in Japan ain't never gonna be the same you know.  One disaster after another and all in a few days. Reckon them media people been burnin' the oil to come up with more "stories" about it everyday.  But neighbor, what is real important is all them folks that been affected.  They need all the help we can give 'em and lots of prayers too.  And don't forget the other people like those in Haiti that still ain't got no homes.  They ain't no wheres back to normal or even close.

Of course with all that's happened, we're gonna feel it too.  Pretty soon you won't be able to buy any of them rice-burnin' cars that save on gas.  And you can already see the greedy retailers hiking the prices on TVs and cellphones.  Yep, we're going feel their pain.

There's another strange thing happening in Egypt and Libya and all them Moslem countries.  They're all having uprisings at the same time.  Not to say that it ain't long over due, but all at once?  In the meantime, our folks in Washington been workin' just as fast as they usually do.  Even the UN was faster this time.  Of course the UN got 'bout as many teeth as me.  And as always, the tyrants are sayin' one thing then doin' another.  Seems likely Gaddafi will have plenty of time to kill enough of his own people so he can stay in power.  Eventually, somebody's gonna have to go in there and "remove him from power."  In case you don't know it Clyde, thems code words for another war.

Any way, between all them earthquakes, tsunamis, nuclear melt-downs, uprisings and such, it jogged my memory about Edgar Cayce, the so called "Sleeping Prophet."  Maybe he was right about earth changes and it was only that his timing was off.  You young'uns can go Google that or whatever it is you do.

Well, I got lots other stuff to tell 'bout my travels and such, but I reckon it'll have to wait till next time.  For now, just remember, I am...

Justan O. Geezer