12 June 2011

Flawed Folks

The other day, I had to make a trip in to Perry’s Barber Pole.  You know, time to get my ears lowered again.  When I got there, Harry had Clyde Hammond, our local banker, in the chair.  They was jawin' about Clyde's wife Marylou and how every time she goes into town, she comes home with some new piece of clothing she didn't need but just had to have.  Clyde said the closet is so full that half of his things are out in the front closet.  Well you could see that Clyde was puttin' it on the front porch that he considered that to be a major flaw in her personality.  Of course the subject didn't matter none to Harry.  He'll talk about anything to anybody.  

Now you know me neighbor, I kinda like stuckin' my nose into things.  So I commented that, if you think about it, all us folk are flawed somehow or other.  And it gets pointed out to us all the time.  Like all them nature shows on TV.  They like to take us out behind the barn for messin' up the planet or endangering some kinda of snail or something.  And heck, near'y every Sunday, some preacher's up there making it plain that if we don't straighten up, we're headin' straight to hell.  It's for sure there's plenty wrong with me too.  I get told 'bout it near'y every day!    

After hearing that, Clyde kinda simmered down a bit and agreed.  Everybody's got somethin' they ain't right proud of.  Now ol' Harry could see this conversation had just about run outta steam.  Naturally, he couldn't let that happen.  He said just 2 words, "ALMOST everybody."  OK, so it ended up being a bunch more than 2 words when he got done.  He just had to explain to us that some folks can't bring themselves to even consider they ain't perfect.  He named somebody, but I'll do my good deed for the day an' not say who.  But AMEN Harry.  Yep, there are exceptions all right.  

Reckon you know the rest. That conversation was right back up in high gear.  Harry finished cuttin' Cyde's hair... and mine.  They was still at it when I left.  But, you know neighbor, there really are some 'perfect' folks like that.  ....After thinkin' about it some, mostly they're Congressmen and Presidents and such.  Well that's what I think.  As always, I am...
Justan O. Geezer

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