29 April 2010

Arizona Immigration Law

Folks are loadin’ their shotguns after that Arizona SB1070 got signed into law. I tell ya Clem, Arizona got a problem there. Some folks are callin’ this an “anti-immigration” law. Wonder how many of them read the law itself. Looks more like an “anti-ILLEGAL-immigration” law to me. But, reckon I don’t give a hoot if that law is good or bad. I don’t live in Arizona, so to my mind it ain’t my problem. Got enough of my own.

Of course you know I got some thoughts on that situation, otherwise I wouldn’t be settin’ at this here computer. First off is them demonstrations. Most of ‘em are scheduled for May Day (that’s been the traditional day all them anarchists and socialists get together to put on political demonstrations). I hear tell they’re gonna demonstrate in 70 (or there about) cities. So just what do them cities got to do with Arizona anyway?

Yep, and bein’ the American way, a bunch of “non-profit” groups say they’re going conjure up lawsuits against the law. Jumpin’ on that hay wagon so far are The National Coalition Of Latino Clergy and Christian Leaders (based in Washington DC), The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund and the National Immigration Law Center (both in Los Angeles), and of course the ACLU (NYC,NY). You see any Arizona organizations in there Sis?

Some folks in Arizona seem to like the idea. That sheriff in Maricopa County thinks it’s a good tool. Especially since they got more than their share of illegals. The Feds estimate they got over half a million illegals in Arizona. Lots a pretty good crop seein’ as how there’s only 5 million legal residents in the state.

All in all, the folks in Arizona elected their government. By the way, did you know that 29% of Arizona legal voters are Latino? And that percentage goes up as you head south? Hell, Arizona (like Texas) used to be in Mexico – until we took it! Besides, the north end’s got that big ditch and a bunch of Indian reservations. Well, anyway, if the people of Arizona don’t like what’s goin’ on, seems like them same people oughta send their politicians packing. It ain’t the business of them folks from the other end of the country. That’s what I think, but I am…
Justan O. Geezer

27 April 2010

Volcano delays

Them folks travelin’ around Europe sure had a mess.  Weren’t exactly what they planned.  First that Iceland volcano let go, then them fellas controllin’ the European airspace shut everything down.  Even worse, them big airlines decided not to feed ‘em or put ‘em up in some fancy hotel.  And why should they pay?  Wasn’t their volcano was it?  What a mess. 

Don’t it make ya wonder who was mindin’ the farm while they’re all out there gallivantin’?  Well, anyway, looks like folks are finally gettin’ where they’re goin’. 

‘Course now the real fun starts.  Everybody’s gonna have to find someone to blame so’s they can sue ‘em!  Reckon it don’t matter who’s to fault – so long as their barn’s full.  Now it’s about getting’ what they can.  Lots of folks are trying to blame it all on that Eurocontrol Agency.  They’re kinda like the FAA here at home.   They got some pretty deep pockets.   Wasn’t there some actor fella that once said, “Greed is good”?

 Guess I’m wonderin’ what woulda happened if they hadn’t shut everything down.  What if some of them airplanes had got damaged?  What woulda happened if even one of them flights had a problem?  How many emergency landin’s would there have been?  And Lord forbid, but what if even one plane woulda crashed?

Maybe I got too many questions.  Reckon that’s just me. After all I am…
Justan O. Geezer

21 April 2010

"Foreign" oil

Everybody's hootin' and hollerin' about foreign oil and how much gas costs and all that.  And rightly so, I figure.  We need to stop puttin' our money in the pockets all them foreigners.  We got to use more of our own stuff (resources).  That's what I say.

Yea, so just what the heck is "our" oil?  Probably just me, but I think "our oil" means Americans workin' for American companies and drillin' on American soil for American oil!  Trouble is, we ain't doin' much of that.  And I don't see it gettin' no better either.

That oil rig explosion and fire in the Gulf of Mexico yesterday (4/20/10) says it alot.  It's American soil (or at least water) OK, but that's 'bout as far as it goes neighbor!

The company doin' the drillin' is BP Exploration and Production, Inc.  'Course ya know, that's British Petroleum, but they like to hide behind them initials.  And that big fancy rig they're usin' is operated by Transocean Ltd.  Yep, never heard of 'em either.  They say Transocean is the world's biggest offshore drilling contractor.  Guess the reason we never heard of them's 'cause there from Zug, Switzerland. Sounds like a nice little town... can almost hear the yodelin'.

So where was I?  Oh yeah.  I got some questions friend...
1. What are them foreigners doin' drillin' on American soil or water or whatever?
2. Who's let 'em do it?
3. Is Washington callin' that American oil or foreign oil?
4. Is that "foreign" oil gettin' sold here in the US of A, or is it like that Alaskan oil that's goin' somewhere else?
5. And lastly, where are the profits from that oil goin'?

I may be Justan O. Geezer, but ah'm an American taxpayer... and a voter.

13 April 2010

Election Board Humor

Ya know, I still get visions of them Florida Election Board “Judges” holding up computer cards to a light, tryin’ to figure if they could see a “hanging chad.” (Whatever the hell that's supposed to mean.)  Somehow, that just seemed to epitomize them bureaucrats at the Board of Elections.  It probably ain’t fair to the lot of ‘em, but they sho’ nuff look like their windmill's lackin’ a few blades.  This here come direct from instructions of how to do one of them absentee ballots:

They may not be the brightest, but nobody ever accused ‘em of lacking a sense of humor. That’s the way I see it, but then, I am…
Justan O. Geezer

06 April 2010

The "Brits" got something right.

OK, so they taxed the hell out of us. And we hated bein' taxed, so we split and made our own country. BUT maybe the Brits got this "election" thing right!

Today, April 6th, the British Prime Minister announced a General Election in 30 days. Yep, you heard that right Sonny, 30 DAYS - NOT 30 MONTHS! Ya hear that Washington?

So here I set, listnin' to 4 years of bullshit while our politicians worry about gettin' re-elected. And the only laws they seem to git done mean it's gonna be more taxes. Ain't that where this all started, Sis?

That's what I think, but I am...
Justan O. Geezer