21 April 2010

"Foreign" oil

Everybody's hootin' and hollerin' about foreign oil and how much gas costs and all that.  And rightly so, I figure.  We need to stop puttin' our money in the pockets all them foreigners.  We got to use more of our own stuff (resources).  That's what I say.

Yea, so just what the heck is "our" oil?  Probably just me, but I think "our oil" means Americans workin' for American companies and drillin' on American soil for American oil!  Trouble is, we ain't doin' much of that.  And I don't see it gettin' no better either.

That oil rig explosion and fire in the Gulf of Mexico yesterday (4/20/10) says it alot.  It's American soil (or at least water) OK, but that's 'bout as far as it goes neighbor!

The company doin' the drillin' is BP Exploration and Production, Inc.  'Course ya know, that's British Petroleum, but they like to hide behind them initials.  And that big fancy rig they're usin' is operated by Transocean Ltd.  Yep, never heard of 'em either.  They say Transocean is the world's biggest offshore drilling contractor.  Guess the reason we never heard of them's 'cause there from Zug, Switzerland. Sounds like a nice little town... can almost hear the yodelin'.

So where was I?  Oh yeah.  I got some questions friend...
1. What are them foreigners doin' drillin' on American soil or water or whatever?
2. Who's let 'em do it?
3. Is Washington callin' that American oil or foreign oil?
4. Is that "foreign" oil gettin' sold here in the US of A, or is it like that Alaskan oil that's goin' somewhere else?
5. And lastly, where are the profits from that oil goin'?

I may be Justan O. Geezer, but ah'm an American taxpayer... and a voter.

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