27 April 2010

Volcano delays

Them folks travelin’ around Europe sure had a mess.  Weren’t exactly what they planned.  First that Iceland volcano let go, then them fellas controllin’ the European airspace shut everything down.  Even worse, them big airlines decided not to feed ‘em or put ‘em up in some fancy hotel.  And why should they pay?  Wasn’t their volcano was it?  What a mess. 

Don’t it make ya wonder who was mindin’ the farm while they’re all out there gallivantin’?  Well, anyway, looks like folks are finally gettin’ where they’re goin’. 

‘Course now the real fun starts.  Everybody’s gonna have to find someone to blame so’s they can sue ‘em!  Reckon it don’t matter who’s to fault – so long as their barn’s full.  Now it’s about getting’ what they can.  Lots of folks are trying to blame it all on that Eurocontrol Agency.  They’re kinda like the FAA here at home.   They got some pretty deep pockets.   Wasn’t there some actor fella that once said, “Greed is good”?

 Guess I’m wonderin’ what woulda happened if they hadn’t shut everything down.  What if some of them airplanes had got damaged?  What woulda happened if even one of them flights had a problem?  How many emergency landin’s would there have been?  And Lord forbid, but what if even one plane woulda crashed?

Maybe I got too many questions.  Reckon that’s just me. After all I am…
Justan O. Geezer

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