02 April 2011

Bad Roads

Well neighbor, like I told you the other day, I was out traveling 'round. And you know, it ain't till you get to travel a bit that you come realize just how many roads we got in this here country. Now I ain't talkin' about local roads here 'cause folks got there share of gravel and dirt roads everywhere . And most of us kinda like it that way. You take it slow, you don't raise too much dust and you get there anyway.

Over the past few months I got to ride on a bunch of them Interstate Highways. Now I gotta hand it to old Dwight D. Eisenhower for having the gum-shun to get that project goin'. Of course at the time, we was all pretty scared of them Russians and the Cold War and such. Ol' Dwight thought we could use some good roads to move troops and stuff around the country in a hurry. Nowadays, we couldn't do without them just for getting crops to market.

Reminds me. In most states, besides them US Highways, you got your State Highways and County or Parish Roads. But down in Texas, they do it a bit different. Naturally they got all the regular roads. You know, the Toll Roads and Park Roads and Business Routes and the like. But besides all that, they got some down right descriptive designations. Down there you see roads like FM1368 and RM311. That would be a "farm to market" road or a "ranch to market" road. They call 'em that just 'cause that's what they are (or were).

Anyway, lie I said, I spent a bunch of time on them Interstate highways. Most of 'em are in pretty good shape, at least once you get away from the big cities. But let me tell you friend, some ain't fit for a buggy at any speed. I seen some that 'll rattle the teeth right out of your mouth. To me, Arkansas and Indiana got the worst Interstate Highways in the country! Over there in Arkansas, you better hope it don't rain none. When it does, you might do better in a boat. The tracks worn down them asphalt roads are more like the chutes at your favorite water park, my friend. Slidin' down the road just ain't no fun.

Now up there in Indiana, it's a different story. If you'd just stay around Indianapolis, you'd think you was in hog heaven. The Interstate System around that city is real good and if you head out past the airport, you'd think you got on a runway by mistake! Some places, there's like 6 to 8 lanes in each direction and that don't count the marginal road. Once you get away from that "Circle City," it ain't pretty, neighbor. In fact, if you can get to the state border without getting shook to death, you can bet your truck's lost half its bolts and maybe a tire too. Don't take my word for it neighbor - but don't blame me fer not warnin' you. 
Now I'll be the first to tell ya, I don't know why them roads are in such bad shape. Maybe they never got none of that "stimulus" money to fix 'em. Or maybe they outsourced the maintenace to India, but I reckon I'll be driving around them states rather than through them next time.

I know our economic problems have affected road maintenance, just like everything else.  And all the roads 'round the country show need for some upkeep.  But it sho 'nough can't explain why you can tell which state your in by the rattle of your teeth.

Got my teeth back in now and settle in some, but I am still...
Justan O. Geezer

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