21 July 2011

No entiendo

No, I ain't moved to Mexico neighbor.  But I reckon that there’s a right good title for what I got to say today.  Fer you gringos, that’s "I don't understand"  And I don't.  Not a bit.  I read where some high school principal in Nevada gave a commencement speech in Spanish.  Now, it's true that he read the speech in English first, before he done it in Spanish.  But the whole idea of readin' a commencement speech, to an American high school class, in a foreign language is just plain wrong, neighbor.

Now I know there's a whole bunch of Spanish speaking folks in this country.  Most are here legal.  In fact, the biggest bunch even come from families that were here long before we was the US of A.  Heck, even me and some of my neighbors speak some Spanish (un poco).  Fact is, we all come from someplace else - exceptin', of course, the native Americans that we run outta town.  But almost all immigrants learned English and made damn sure their young'uns learned it too.  A common language is what gives voice to people.  Language is what unites us folks.  It identifies peoples and countries.

But somewhere over the last few decades, some educated idiots been makin' noise and claimin' we gotta "diversify" and other such BS.  To me, it's really a move to split people and the country by leaving some folks out in the dark.  Not only that, but in the name of profits, businesses are contributing to ignorance by posting signs for stuff in their stores in English AND Spanish.  Guess they never looked to see the consequences up there in Quebec. Or maybe they did and don’t care as long as they make money.

I just believe it's downright un-American.  Even anti-American.  And I'm thinkin' about how all through history, a few people managed to control those who were not able to communicate.  For you, Clyde, that means readin' and writin'.  This multiple language crap just keeps some folks "where they belong" if ya know what I'm saying.  And that ain’t right.

So, no entiendo neighbor.  Reckon I never will.  But I am still...
Justan O. Geezer

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