01 August 2011

The National Debt Joke

I ain’t no math whiz neighbor, but I gotta tell you, them Washington jokers are pullin’ one over on us AGAIN!  Think about it, Cuz.  They’re gonna raise the debt ceiling a couple trillion dollars and then they’re gonna cut spending a couple trillion dollars.  Sounds like a fair deal, don’t it?  Well, you’re wrong, partner.  Dead wrong.

First off, that raising the debt ceiling they been fightin’ over?  They’re plannin’ on spending all that there money in the next year and a half!  Yep.  The one side’s been insisting on the increase being big enough so’s the wheels don’t fall off again before the next election.  So, are they thinkin’ ‘bout you and me or themselves?  What happens after that election?  Just call the local smithy or wainwright?

And that ain’t the half of it.  All them spending cuts?  They’re gonna cut at least as much as they raise their spending.  Right?  Wrong again, Sam.  Them spending cuts is gonna take ten years to get done.  And what "cuts" means ain't that their gonna NOT spend the money.  It means they're cut back on the additional spending they was planning!

Reckon I know enough ‘rithmetic to do this math.  10 years to do the "cuts."  1-1/2 years to spend the same amount of money.  To me, that means an 8-1/2 year problem.  Of course that’s just me and I am…
Justan O. Geezer

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