28 August 2011

The Politics of Humor

Mornin', neighbor.  Last night I got to thinkin' about comedians.  Ain't sure why, but that's what popped in my head.  Now I'm talkin' real comedians, not them foul-mouthed fools you see these days in comedy clubs and sometimes on late night TV.  Back in the day, any comedian worth his salt could do a whole 10 minute routine and never say nothing you couldn't repeat to the younguns.  You know, things like "Who's on first?" by Abbott and Costello.  Now I ain't sayin' they're all bad now days, just most of 'em.  Sure 'nough get a hankerin' for more funny lines like, "R-i-i-i-i-i-ight" and  "What's an ark?" in Bill Cosby's story about Noah.

A body can always keep outta them comedy clubs, but if you happen to be up late, they don't hardly bleep nobody on TV these days.  'Course, if I was runnin' the bleeper, I'd bleep all them political jokers too.  Don't matter none which side.  Back when, comedians the likes of Steve Allen, Bob Hope and Johnny Carson didn't need fowl language or makin' fun of people to be funny.  Reckon I don't know if it's the comedians themselves that think they gotta attack people that ain't leanin' the way they do or if somebody else writin' them so-called jokes.  Most folk would be embarrassed to repeat some of the stuff they write.  Or maybe the producers of the show wanta "spice it up" a little.  'Course we know what producers done to TV news.  Or maybe them TV comedians are trying to be like them Hollywood people that disguise their political views as big fancy movies.

Anyway, I don't cotton to this here pickin' on folks just 'cause they got a different political perspective (how 'bout them big words, Clyde).  Somethin' good come of it though.  I get to bed earlier these days and been feelin' better to boot.  Well, gotta get chores done.  That's what I think friend, even though I am...
Justan O. Geezer

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