08 August 2011

The Blame Game

I hear tell them Chinese been blamin’ us for all the world’s money problems. And now that we got our nose lowered a notch, they got more ammunition for playing the blame game.  They say our dollar ain’t worth a yuan. (Sorry Sonny, but if you ain’t groaning, go google it.)

Well I gotta tell ya neighbor, I don’t think I’m the only one that’s plum tired of this here blame game.  Over there in Washington, we got grown people actin’ like 5 year olds. And I do mean most of ‘em.  

When previous men got to be the big dog in Washington, they accepted the responsibility that goes with that fancy oval office.  In all my years, I ain’t never heard the President of these United States blame his predecessor like I heard the last couple years.  Now I gotta admit, he don’t normally use George Bush’s name direct.  But he’s spent the last 2-1/2 years repeatin’ over and over things like, “we inherited” this problem or that.  Or “the previous administration” did such and such.  ‘Course the rest of his folks ain’t afraid of blamin’ old George by name. 

Hell, this game has got so bad our debt troubles are getting blamed on them new Republicans that just got elected in the last go-round.   It don’t matter none that they just got there!  Reckon it's their fault the National Debt has rise near 40% in the last 2-1/2 years!  Not only that, but the debt rise 20% in the 2 years ‘fore that!  And that was when Democrats controlled both houses of Congress.  Well, never mind.  I know. That was Bush’s fault.

Lately they been sayin’ the Tea Party is to blame for this credit rating downgrade.  So, let me get this straight, neighbor.  In the last 5 or 6 years, our National Debt has growed near 65%.  The Tea Party has existed for what? 1 or 2 years?  Ain’t that pretty dumb?  Reckon that’d be some of that new math they're using. 

All I gotta say to them folks in Washington is this: accept responsibility and GROW UP, DAMMIT!  Of course nobody listens to me, ‘cause I am…
Justan O. Geezer

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