31 August 2011

The Audacity of WHAT?

That there is one fancy word that don't get used much, exceptin' on President Obama's book cover.  Most folk heard the Jewish version of that word more often.  That'd be "chutzpah." (the "c" is silent Clyde.)  What it means is (and I'll be nice since younguns might read this): somebody's got a lotta nerve.  Sometimes it's used to talk about somebody who thinks a might too much of himself.  Reckon that'd be the case here.

Them folks at NBC News and a website named Politico set up a debate in California for all them Republican wanta be's.  They got the dates and times all set up months ago.  Now "the Whitehouse" (meanin' the President and his friends), picked the same date and time for a speech.  It was just by "coincidence" ya know.  Now that there's audacity, neighbor.  They decided they didn't need no protocol like all our other Presidents done.  The Constitution says all 3 branches of government are equal, so you don't just announce that you're comin'.  You politely ask if you can come up for a visit.  Just a little courtesy, like callin' up your neighbor before headin' down his way.  But right here it's like he said, "we don't need no stinkin' protocol."   Reminds me of that old Humphrey Bogart movie, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre.  There was these Mexican banditos pretendin' to be the Federales.  And the head bandito says, "Badges? We don't need no stinkin' bagdes." (or somethin' like that).  Anyway, you get the idea.

Not only that, but when Speaker Boehner reminded them about this protocol thing, one "senior House Democrat" (reckon nobody wanted to embarrass him by using his name) said Boehner was bein' "childish."  Sure 'nough sounds to me like we got a sore loser here.  Maybe it was that budget who's gonna blink first match that got him all riled up. 

Now some folks are sayin' Obama is just trying to "upstage" his opponents.  I think somebody needs takin' out back the barn, if you get my drift.  These politicians, starting with the President, need to grow up and quit all the name callin'.  That's what I think, but who listens to me?  I am...
Justan O. Geezer

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