01 September 2011

More Audacity

Yep, it's me again neighbor.  Ya know, the more I read 'bout what's going on up there in Washington, the more I'm convinced they all belong at the funny farm.  Yesterday, the President (or his "people") decided to grab the headlines with that "coincidental" speech schedulin' thing.  Today, he musta had somethin' in his eye cause he blinked again.  No matter.  That don't bother me much cause them politicians always did believe, "any news is good news" just cause they get their names in the paper.

What bothers me is the lying.  Even Jethro knows there's 2 ways to lie.  You know the first one neighbor.  The second one is purposely leavin' stuff out so's you mislead folks.  Sorta like the guy that says he got into an accident, but leaves out the part 'bout the 6-pack he just finished off.  Anyway this guy, Jay Carney, who's the Whitehouse Press Secretary, released a statement.  That's what I call an official lie.  He says, "We consulted with the Speaker about that date before the letter was released, but he determined Thursday would work better."  The part this here guy left out was they knew danged well what that date was.  And that consulting part was they waited 10 seconds after sending the letter before they called them media folks.  Just like your stock, ya gotta keep them egos fed.  Ain't my idea of a straight shooter.

Since the President says he's gonna "lay out a series of bipartisan proposals," I ain't expectin' much.  Ain't seen nothin' that's real bipartisan in years.  Reckon I'll be watchin' that Packers/Saints game come Thursday next.  That’s what I think, but I am…
Justan O. Geezer

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