04 September 2011

National Debt

Well neighbor, we done it.  Yessir we done set another record.  And it’s official.  Accordin’ to the folks over at the US Treasury Dept., our national debt is now over $10 TRILLION dollars!  They say it happened back on Friday afternoon while I was out mowin’ some grass.  And not only that, but they’re claiming we’re addin’ over $34 BILLION more to that debt EVERY DAY. 

If that ain’t enough to knock your socks off, think about this - over 60% of that is owed to foreign countries.  Mostly to China and Japan.  Sure looks like Secretary Geithner ain’t hidin’ nothing either.  The Treasury Dept. even admitted that the national debt rise by $3.7 trillion dollars since January 20, 2009.  And you know what day that was.  That’s almost 60% in less than 18 months!

Always thought I could stand my ground against most anything, but this is down right scary, neighbor.  Next thing, they’re goin’ want me to pay up my “share.”  Like the younguns say, “No way.” They’ll never find me in the cellar.
Justan O. Geezer

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