08 September 2011


Like most my neighbors, I been thinkin' lately about that anniversary coming up Sunday.  We ain't gonna be "celebrating" the day.  No sir.  Nobody's gonna celebrate the worst thing that happened to us since Pearl Harbor.  But there's gonna be a bunch of remembrances to honor those innocent Americans who was  just living their lives, but happened to be in the wrong place that day.  And we should be remembering 'em.  But I been thinkin' more about the them police and firefighters and EMS workers.  Like our military folks, they went into that hellacious mess anyway.  Also them folks on flight 93 that prevented even more damage by sacrificing themselves.  They all showed what it means to be the "land of the free and home of the brave."

And folks been haulin' out them 10 year old newpaper clippings and pictures and stuff.  And all kinds of pictures been showing up on the internet too.  Lots of flags and eagles and of course them towers.  I even seen one picture of a young muslim girl holding a sign that said, "I am not a terrorist."  I believe her too.  There's good and bad everywheres.  Even in religion.  Like them priests and ministers that molest the younguns.  There's always headlines 'bout them kinds of trouble.  But I got questions for Muslims.  How come we never hear about y'all cleanin' your own house?  How come we don't see headlines about your bad apples gettin' arrested?

Anyway, a couple of them pictures got my attention.  This first one come from the Houston Police Dept. and it don't need no comment.

Reckon I don't know where this 2nd picture really come from.  Can't find nobody to own up to it either.  It looks a might suspicious, like somebody been messin' with it, but I like the idea behind it.  In case you ain't seein' what I do, Clyde, I'll explain.  If you look real hard at the top of that smoke cloud there to the left of the tower, you can see what looks to me like a face.  And just under that it looks like an arm reachin' out to the tower.  

Like I said, I ain't no photo expert so I can't say if it's real.  But I'll tell you neighbor, I like to believe it's the Good Lord welcoming them folks home.
Justan O. Geezer      

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