03 October 2011

White People Can’t Say Nigger – part 2

Hey neighbor, I knew it was gonna happen sooner or later.  A little over a year ago I writ on eBlogger about this very thing. (http://justanogeezer.blogspot.com – 8/18/10)  Well it’s back.  White folks still can’t use the word “nigger” in America.  Now I ain’t talkin’ about using that word in any kinda mean sorta way.  I’m talkin’ about just using the word period!

Yesterday, Herman Cain and some others, once again, made a big deal outa the use of that word.  Don’t get me wrong friend.  I think Mr. Cain has been one straight talker on a whole slew of political stuff.  He’s been straight-up on taxes, debt, big government and such.  But I ain’t sure why he’d go messin’ with this issue.  Looks to me like he went hook line and sinker for that liberal bullshit.  

I don’t particularly cotton to Rick Perry or the hat he’s wearin’, but this here is just another bunch of bull made up by the media.  It’s just amazin’ to me that the media would stoop this low to create “news.”  Reckon it don’t matter that it ain’t Perry’s spread.  He’s just leasin’ the place for huntin’ just like his Pappy did.  And his father painted over that name 30 odd years ago when Ricky was still a youngun.  So now, the fools that runs the “news” shows play “the race card.”  Sure ‘nough, that’s one way to kill a political opponent now ain’t it?  And that’s cause white people can’t use the word nigger.

In the black community, nigger gets used a whole bunch.  And it ain’t in a nice way either.  Black comedians use that word almost as much as they use the F-word.  And you probably don’t remember, but Niggerhead used to be a pretty good chew.  The word gets lots a use in other parts of the world too.  In England, nigger means people from India and Asia as well as from Africa. Nigger Head is the name of an island off the north side of Australia.  Nigger is the right pronunciation of the French word “nègre.”  Lots of English-speakin’ folks all over the world still call Brazil nuts “niggertoes” and without any kind “racial slur” intended.  Up there in Canada, they once had a Niggertoe Mountain.  At least it were till they got one of them politically and socially acceptable names back in ‘66.  Yet, white folks can’t say nigger in the good old US of A (and in them parts of Canada that don’t speak French).

So if me and all my neighbors can’t use the word nigger, you damn well better NEVER use words like whitey, whiteboy, cracker, honkey, whitetrash and the like!  Well, that’s what I think, even if I am…
Justan O. Geezer

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