Well neighbor, I just got jabbed in another nerve. Ya, I know, nothing new. Lately I been reading a bunch about a certain President(and his wife) and how they’ve been sucking up to every one of our military heroes they can find. He’s been out there claimin’ how he brought the troops home and she’s been claimin’ how great he is for doin’ it. But you know, ‘tween the 2 of ‘em they got zero experience with the military. You gotta serve or be close family to somebody that served to do that. Shakin’ the hand of a hero don’t make you one.
Now I know, the President gets to take the credit (or the blame if he ain’t a liberal) for what happens on his watch. Don’t matter none that the last President actually made the commitment on when to bring the troops home. (And he was criticized for it to boot.) Don’t matter that it was the last President that set everything up so’s our Seal Team could arraign for Osama to meet Allah. And you know that while President Obama was sucking up to the troops, he didn’t say nothin’ about the millions of folks that ain’t got jobs or how folks are still loosin’ their homes. Meanwhile, them media folks was too busy watchin’ for them Republican candidates to make a slip of the tongue.
Back in the day, folks (including the President) had to earn their accolades. (Betcha didn’t know
I knew that word, did you?) ‘Course that was also in the day when the President answered direct to us and Congress, not his buddies. And back then, Congress watched him like a hawk instead of just worrying ‘bout how to keep their fancy jobs with all them perks.
Me and a bunch of my veteran buddies are just hopin’ and prayin’ folks now days are smart enough to see through all that bullshit that’s slung from Washington. Reckon we’re hopin’ for some real change. You know, an America of (all) the people, by (all) the people and FOR (all) the people. It can’t come too soon. This here country can’t last the way it’s been goin’. Well, that’s what I think.
Justan O. Geezer
24 January 2012
21 January 2012
Corporate Welfare & Disasters
You ever get a hankerin’ for a 400hp car that could get ya from whoa to 60 mile an hour in 6 seconds AND get 100 miles to a gallon to boot? Ain’t that every teenager’s dream? (And maybe a certain geezer too.) Well, they got ‘em now, son. ‘Course they ain’t cheap. ‘Bout $100,000 for one. And them dealers ain’t in every town like Fords and Chevys. But it ain’t no joke either. This here Fisker Automotive Co. out there in California is sellin’ a sport sedan out there right now.
I hear tell these Fisker fellas got some mighty slick engineers too. Like instead of designin’ that car from scratch, first they went shoppin'. They looked for what they could use that somebody else already made. You know, like door handles and windshield wiper motors and such. Tain’t like they stole nothin’. They’re just payin’ to use somebody else’s parts. Just like you and me neighbor. A trip to the Ben Franklin might save a body one heap of work, ya know?
Reckon they got some slick businessmen too. I mean, you’d think somebody that sells $100,000 cars, could do it without getting no government bailouts or loans. Sure over my head neighbor, but back in 2009, the good old US Department of Energy give ‘em a loan for $529,000,000! A little extra change in your pocket can't hurt none.
That Dept. of Energy is real good at loanin’ out our money. They also give a $465,000,000 loan to Tesla Motors. Maybe you ain’t heard of them either. Tesla is another California company that makes an electric roadster that sells for even more than that Fisker car. And even though it cost more, only 2 people can ride at a time.
Nobody's sayin' when these loans gotta get paid back. Ain’t even heard if they gotta pay interest on 'em. Anyway, that Energy Dept. got a heap more money stashed away to “loan” to big companies like Fisker and Tesla. In fact, they got $8 billion set aside, all totaled!
Here’s the best part neighbor. First them politicians in Washington fixed it to “loan” our money to companies that make expensive cars. Them that us folks can’t afford. Shucks, I could buy 2 cars and a new diesel pickup 4x4 for what one of them cars cost. And now, they’re playin’ games with the money that’s supposed to help them folks that got wiped out by disasters like that Joplin tornado and that hurricane Irene. Them Republicans want to take somewhere's 'round $1 billion of that automobile company bailout/loan/welfare money and use it for the disaster relief. Naturally the Democrats don’t cotton much to that idea and plan to block that disaster aid until Republicans give the welfare money back to the big corporations. They’d rather add that $1 billion to the national debt instead.
Now hang on there a minute Jethro. I know I’m getting’ old, but this here is a might confusin’. Democrats are for the working man. Republicans are for big business. Ain’t that what we been hearing all these years? So why are Republicans taking money from big business to give to folks in need? And why are Democrats holdin’ out until big business gets their welfare back? Reckon I gotta go over to the couch and ponder this for a while. In the meantime, remember, I am…
Justan O. Geezer
I hear tell these Fisker fellas got some mighty slick engineers too. Like instead of designin’ that car from scratch, first they went shoppin'. They looked for what they could use that somebody else already made. You know, like door handles and windshield wiper motors and such. Tain’t like they stole nothin’. They’re just payin’ to use somebody else’s parts. Just like you and me neighbor. A trip to the Ben Franklin might save a body one heap of work, ya know?
Reckon they got some slick businessmen too. I mean, you’d think somebody that sells $100,000 cars, could do it without getting no government bailouts or loans. Sure over my head neighbor, but back in 2009, the good old US Department of Energy give ‘em a loan for $529,000,000! A little extra change in your pocket can't hurt none.
That Dept. of Energy is real good at loanin’ out our money. They also give a $465,000,000 loan to Tesla Motors. Maybe you ain’t heard of them either. Tesla is another California company that makes an electric roadster that sells for even more than that Fisker car. And even though it cost more, only 2 people can ride at a time.
Nobody's sayin' when these loans gotta get paid back. Ain’t even heard if they gotta pay interest on 'em. Anyway, that Energy Dept. got a heap more money stashed away to “loan” to big companies like Fisker and Tesla. In fact, they got $8 billion set aside, all totaled!
Here’s the best part neighbor. First them politicians in Washington fixed it to “loan” our money to companies that make expensive cars. Them that us folks can’t afford. Shucks, I could buy 2 cars and a new diesel pickup 4x4 for what one of them cars cost. And now, they’re playin’ games with the money that’s supposed to help them folks that got wiped out by disasters like that Joplin tornado and that hurricane Irene. Them Republicans want to take somewhere's 'round $1 billion of that automobile company bailout/loan/welfare money and use it for the disaster relief. Naturally the Democrats don’t cotton much to that idea and plan to block that disaster aid until Republicans give the welfare money back to the big corporations. They’d rather add that $1 billion to the national debt instead.
Now hang on there a minute Jethro. I know I’m getting’ old, but this here is a might confusin’. Democrats are for the working man. Republicans are for big business. Ain’t that what we been hearing all these years? So why are Republicans taking money from big business to give to folks in need? And why are Democrats holdin’ out until big business gets their welfare back? Reckon I gotta go over to the couch and ponder this for a while. In the meantime, remember, I am…
Justan O. Geezer
Posted by
Justan O. Geezer
9:11 AM
government spending,
national debt,

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