24 January 2012

Sucking Up To Heroes

Well neighbor, I just got jabbed in another nerve. Ya, I know, nothing new. Lately I been reading a bunch about a certain President(and his wife) and how they’ve been sucking up to every one of our military heroes they can find. He’s been out there claimin’ how he brought the troops home and she’s been claimin’ how great he is for doin’ it. But you know, ‘tween the 2 of ‘em they got zero experience with the military. You gotta serve or be close family to somebody that served to do that. Shakin’ the hand of a hero don’t make you one.

Now I know, the President gets to take the credit (or the blame if he ain’t a liberal) for what happens on his watch. Don’t matter none that the last President actually made the commitment on when to bring the troops home. (And he was criticized for it to boot.) Don’t matter that it was the last President that set everything up so’s our Seal Team could arraign for Osama to meet Allah. And you know that while President Obama was sucking up to the troops, he didn’t say nothin’ about the millions of folks that ain’t got jobs or how folks are still loosin’ their homes. Meanwhile, them media folks was too busy watchin’ for them Republican candidates to make a slip of the tongue.

Back in the day, folks (including the President) had to earn their accolades. (Betcha didn’t know
I knew that word, did you?) ‘Course that was also in the day when the President answered direct to us and Congress, not his buddies. And back then, Congress watched him like a hawk instead of just worrying ‘bout how to keep their fancy jobs with all them perks.

Me and a bunch of my veteran buddies are just hopin’ and prayin’ folks now days are smart enough to see through all that bullshit that’s slung from Washington. Reckon we’re hopin’ for some real change. You know, an America of (all) the people, by (all) the people and FOR (all) the people. It can’t come too soon. This here country can’t last the way it’s been goin’. Well, that’s what I think.
Justan O. Geezer

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