01 February 2012

More Corporate Welfare

The other mornin', me and a couple neighbors was having breakfast down at Mildred's Cafe.  The subject of welfare came up.  As you might guess, the conversation got goin' right good.  PC folks woulda called it "a spirited discussion."  Reckon, we did get a might loud.  One young fella musta overheard us.  After he paid his bill, he stopped by our table and said, "You guys are all on welfare you know. You get Social Security,  Medicare and stuff and all those farm subsidies too."  Well sir, we let that whipper-snappy have his say, even if he'd no idea what he was talkin' about.

I gotta admit, the subject changed a bit after that.  We got to talkin' about all them government farm subsidy programs.  Some of them subsidies only affects folks in certain areas.  You know, like peanuts.  That’s growed in the South, so farmers from Georgia to Texas might benefit.  But they only get about 3% of the money in that golden pot run by the government.

Most of that subsidy money goes for grain.  In fact, grains get over 80% of the pie.  And the biggest part of that is for corn.  With all them ethanol mandates and such, it pays good to grow corn!  Trouble is, me and the neighbors don't get diddly-squat.  Mostly them subsidies go to folks in Spokane and Miami and Washington DC.  Yep. You heard me right friend.  That's where the folks that own them big farming corporations live.  They sure 'nough ain't from around here! 

So what me and my neighbors decided is the government could save about $8 billion a year if they cut out the welfare to them big farm corporations.  That'd help that National Debt thing don't ya know.  Most of us wouldn't miss the few bucks we might get.  Something to think about neighbor.  While you’re thinkin’.  I’ll just mosey on over to the couch for a snooze.
Justan O. Geezer

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