16 February 2012

Late Night Politics

Howdy neighbor.  Y’all watch any of them late night comedians?  You know, the ones that come on after the late news?  The ones where the only reason the “guests” show up is to push their latest movie or book.  Or, if the guest ain’t doin’ that, they’re drinkin’ buddies or political kissin’ cousins of the host. 

Well, if you do watch ‘em, just skip on down to the next paragraph whilst I explain it to the folks that don’t stay up late ‘cause they gotta get up early for work.  Well sir, first off, a bunch of musicians play this really loud,  really bad noise (they call it music) while some announcer that don't show his face tells you who’s gonna be the "guests" on the show.  Then the comedian comes out on stage while the audience hoops and hollers, just like they been told to by flashin’ red signs.  After the comedian/host gets his ego built up enough, he starts into a “monologue.”   It’s kinda like a stand-up comedy routine, but it ain’t.  That’s ‘cause the guy is reading the jokes off “cue cards” instead of rememberin’ them like normal comedians do. 

Used to was, back in the day, the monologue made fun of some current events or things that was happenin’ around the world.  And sometimes they’d even have jokes about  politics.  Now I’m talkin’ about back in the days of Steve Allen and Johnny Carson and the like.  Them guys was funny and they done it without makin’ fun of folks.  They woulda never thought about attacking folks on a personal level.  We still got some great comedians like that, but they ain’t hostin’ no late night TV. 

Seems like nowadays, all these guys can do is insult folks, ‘specially politicians – mostly cause they ain’t as far left as the comedians themselves.  Basically, these guys just do some variation of the same old  joke every night.  Down right borin’, if you ask me.  Reckon I can’t figure why good folks stay up late for this stuff.  ‘Course, maybe them comedians are just preachin’ to the choir.

Whoa!  Gotta go, neighbor.  Past my bedtime.
Justan O. Geezer

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