09 February 2012

Americans Attacked by Washington

Most folks ‘round here still think of the good ole US of A as “the land of the free.”  You know, we can say what we want, live where we want and worship like we choose.  Well, leastwise if we pay our taxes.  Truth be told, little by little, we’re losin’ it neighbor.  And if the only thing you do is watch TV “news,” you might just miss that story amongst the advertising and self-promotion.  You know, I ain’t askin’ nobody to just believe me.  But you can still read about it in the papers.  And you young’uns know how to do that stuff on your phones.  

Anyway, I hear tell the government has issued hundreds of “regulations” and “guidelines” in the last 3 years that’s affected ever’thing from soup to nuts.  We never hear ‘bout it ‘cause it don’t affect us direct.  They’re mostly controlling companies or some function of the State.  Sometimes we do hear about it ‘cause it affects our schools.  Like when they “offer” money to help the schools, but only if the school will teach what they want or hire somebody (without funding) or some kinda strings like that.  Them people in Washington just wanna control everything.  We’re slowing losin’ it.

The latest attack ain’t from the EPA or one of them other alphabets.  This one’s from none other than the US Dept. of Health and they’re attackin’ religious beliefs!  Yep, I know that sounds like some kinda sick joke, but it’s true.   Health Secretary Sebelius says all employers gotta pay for abortions and birth-control even if that act goes against their religious beliefs.  Y’all remember Kathy Sebelius, don't you?  Obama moved her to Washington from Kansas.  Liberal, I think.

Well, Sebelius says it ain’t her fault.  Reckon we heard that phrase a bunch in the last 3 years.  Anyway, she says she’s just enforcing that ObamaCare law that Congress passed.  Really?  You tryin’ to tell me she actually read through that thing?  So what other surprises she find?  

Even some Democrats are saying they never woulda voted for that dog if they’d known what all was in it.  That’s what Congresswoman Kathy Dahlkemper said.  She’s a Democrat outta Pennsylvania.  Reckon that confirms my suspicions, neighbor.  Them folks in Congress never did read the darned thing ‘fore they voted for it.  Makes you wonder if they can read at all.

So now the truth about ObamaCare is finally beginning to come out.  And part of that truth is that charitable and religious organizations (like hospitals and charities and colleges) are gonna be forced to pay for stuff that’s against their beliefs!  ObamaCare is gonna make them pay for abortions and “day after” pills(abortion pills) amonst other stuff.  And here we thought the Constitution guaranteed the government couldn’t interfere with religion.  It ain’t just the “A” list(atheists, anarchists and ACLU) that’s tryin’ the push religion out of America.  It’s the socialists too.  They even add sneak attacks into health issues.  

I ain’t afraid to say my piece about what’s happening to my country.  So what about the rest of the REAL 99%?  Do folks really want this to become the USSA?
Justan O. Geezer

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