20 February 2012

Much Is Expected

The other day, President Obama done somethin’ I ain’t heard before.  He quoted the Good Book.  He didn’t get exactly right, but it was Luke 12:48.  “When someone has been given much, much will be required in return.”  Good words, neighbor.  And true today as they was 2000 years ago.

We know the President dusted off the Bible ‘cause he got blasted by Rick Santorum for his claimin’ to be a Christian, but not doin’ much of anything to show it.  Now I ain’t gonna go commentin’ about that.  I been thinkin’ a might different.

What I been thinkin’ is that over the years, lots of folks have quoted the Bible.  Most the time I seen it, them folks was usin’ them quotes to backup something they said or done.  They was trying to show the Good Lord was on their side.  And over there in the Middle East, bunches of them extremists been quoted their Quran to try and justify what they been doin’.  Ever’body is claimin’ God’s on their side.

But if you ponder that Obama quoted, you’re gonna see he was really takin’ another stab at rich folks.  He’s still pushin’ that socialist thing about taxin’ the rich.  Reckon he don’t think it applies to him though.  Most folks would think he’s been given much more than they got.  And most my neighbors consider  the President to be one of the rich ones hisself.  Besides that, he’s been given a education most folks can’t get.  (And we still don’t know how he done that.)  Us folks can’t hardly get loans, but he’s been given a bunch of money. (And we don’t know where it all come from.)  How many other folks, black or white or green, been given as much as he’s got?

To my thinkin’, folks that go quotin’ the Bible oughta look in a mirror ‘fore they open their mouths.  But what do I know, I am…
Justan O. Geezer

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