11 February 2012

The Racist President

Politicians are always out there tryin’ to get everybody to vote for them.  Sometimes, they’d put out ads that was meant for certain folks more than others.  But they was always shootin’ for every vote.  Looks like them days are over.  You ain’t never gonna  hear about this change on the evening news either.  Not even on Fox or CNN.  That’s ‘cause it’s happened on the internet.  This President only wants certain folks to vote for him.  President Obama’s re-election website is neatly carved up to divide and conquer.  Don’t take my word for it, Clyde.  Look it up yourself.  Just type this on your computer: http://www.barackobama.com  Then look under Groups.

He’s got a section for “young activists” who are supposed to form up campus rallies.  Kinda sounds like the socialist rallies of the 60s to me.  And he tells ‘em how he wants to spend billions on education and increase student aid and he wants to give it to them direct.  Gee, free money for the young’uns. 

He’s got a section just for Latinos.  Says he wants to “reform” immigration.  He thinks we should let the illegals stay for free medical care, free education… and their vote.  Says he wants more Pell Grants so them illegals can get that free education.  Gee free money.

He’s got a section for LGBT Americans.  That would be lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender, Clyde.  ‘Course sometimes they call it GLBT.  Depends on which one’s in charge I guess. 

He’s even got a section for “people of faith.”  Now that’s down right funny, ain’t it.  This here’s the President that only goes to church when he’s campaigning.  And the same one that just got done attacking the religious beliefs of some folks.  You reckon folks will take this section serious?

And at the top on his list is the biggest group of hyphenated Americans, African Americans.  Now everybody knows Obama got to be President mostly ‘cause he got way over 90% of the black vote.  That ain’t racist, neighbor.  It’s just a fact.  Yep, he’s got this section to urge all black folks to “check out new ways you can take ownership of this (his) campaign.”   Reckon he’s right cocky now that his biggest threat is gone.  That would of been Herman, of course.  Too bad politics is the dirtiest business on Earth.

But did you notice anything missing there?  I’ll help ya, neighbor.  He ain’t got no white folks section.  Oh, he’ll talk to ever’body in a crowd, but it’s plain as the horns on a bull, he’s not only wagin’ class warfare with a strategy of divide and conquer, but he’s racist too. 

You know, back some years, Osama Bin Laden said he was gonna work to bring down our country from within.  Anybody remember that?  I think it’s time to wake up neighbor, ‘fore our country is gone.
Justan O. Geezer

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