30 May 2012


Howdy neighbor.  Reckon I been pretty darn busy lately and been neglectin’ this here blog.  I gotta apologize for that.  I’m gonna try real hard and find more time for jawin’ with you.  ‘Course, lots of folks say things like that, but they don’t really mean it.  But I ain't lyin'.  This here’s the truth.

Fact is some folks just plain lie all the time.  And some tell mighty tall tales.  I always recall a certain President that shook his finger at us on national TV while he was sayin’, “I did not have sex with that woman.”

Goin’ back a hundred years, there was a Shrink name of William James that defined the situation in a highfalutin’ way.  He said, “There's nothing so absurd that if you repeat it often enough, people will believe it.”  There’s been bunches of variations on them words too.  Even that Communist fella, Lenin, was supposed to said, “A lie told often enough becomes the truth.”  But no matter how you put it, some folks just don’t believe the 9th Commandment ever was.

Now you know me.  I don’t reckom any of them politicians ever learned their Commandments.  So, when I run across this here picture, I just had to “share” like the younguns say.  Looks like somebody named Mogul gone it, but darned if I could find out who that is.

Anyway, you might think ‘bout this next time you’re watchin’ one of them political TV commercials that’s tellin’ you how great some candidate is.  …or what the other guy done wrong.

Hang in there neighbor.  It’ll all be over in just 6 more months.
Justin O. Geezer

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