02 November 2012

Dumb Voting

You know neighbor, come Tuesday, I’m gonna have one easy time voting.  Ain’t no need for them cheat-sheets and such.  I’ll be in and out quick.  Round here, everybody knows the candidates personal like.  All them “issues” is easy too ‘cause we been discussin‘em over breakfast or lunch for months.  Nobody knows for sure exactly how your neighbor’s gonna vote, but it don’t matter.  We all know the candidates and all the facts ‘bout them issues.  We can make intelligent decisions.  Reckon we’re right lucky.

Now, you neighbors in the big cities ain’t that lucky.  If’n you’re in a “swing state” it gotta be real bad for you.  All you get is that stuff(I’m being real nice today) on TV.  Bunches of folks ain’t even got a newspaper to peruse any more.  So if it ain’t some candidate bad-mouthin’ the other guy, its one of them “super PACs”  spendin’ their millions to persuade ya to their way of thinkin’.  ‘Course them politicians done it that way the last time they “reformed” election spending laws.  Now they can all lie and say, “weren’t me” at the same time.

Point is, most folks don’t really know squat ‘bout who they’re voting for.  Few folks actually do any homework.  Too busy?  Too lazy? Too tied to one political party or t’other?  Reckon there’s more reasons than Carter’s got pills.  Same goes for the issues.  All makes for dumb voters.

So, you really know who or what you’re votin’ for neighbor?  (Or maybe that there should be past tense if you did that early-votin’ thing).  Remember, if it don’t turn out the way ya like, don’t come runnin’ to me Clyde!
Justan O. Geezer

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