04 November 2012


Howdy neighbor.  You know, I been ‘round the barn a few times in this here life and I seen a bunch of stuff.  Like back in the day when steam locomotives was hauling darn near everything all over the country.  Maybe you didn’t see ‘em every time, but you’d know that whistle from way off.  And you might even see some black smoke belchin’ yonder.  They sure was noisy and smoky, but they was faster than oxen and hauled a bunch more to boot.  We can thank a fella name of James Watt for them that.  He’s the one that put some wheels under a steam power plant and created a transportation revolution.  Now I ain’t old ‘nough to have met Jim personal, but my hat’s off to him.  He was somebody that saw a problem and a better way and took responsibility hisself to get ‘er done. 

That was a long while back and a long ways from the TV and computers and stuff we got now.  Time keeps a movin’ and things change.  But then a fella once told me, “The only consistent thing in life is change.”  Well sir, he was right… mostly. 

One thing that ain’t changed after near 4 years though.  We still got this President that can’t seem to take responsibility for nothin’, except for killin’ Bin Ladan.  It’s true, he was the boss when it got done.  But you reckon he really had a choice there?  And even that was done for him by them Seals.  Right proud of them boys.  Besides, we had the hounds on Osama’s tail since Clinton was President.  ‘Bout time we caught up with him.

The President been campaignin’ to keep his job for months now.  Seems like he spends more time campaignin’ than takin’ care of business.  Heck, he’s been doin’ that for most of 4 years.  Anyway, seems like he just keeps on blamin’.  It ain’t his fault, he “inherited” all them problems. Says we’re doin’ fine.  Says he’s on the right track to fix things.  He just needs more time.  He says it’s the Republicans and them rich folks thats been slowing down the economy and his “change.”  That’s why he couldn’t keep all them promises he made. 

Don’t reckon ObamaCare got nothin’ to do with it.  It ain’t running up medical costs.  That bailout spending on Solyndra and the like ain’t got nothing to do with it.  Spending so much that the national debt’s gone up way more than 50% just since he took over.  That ain’t got nothing to do with it.  No sir, ain’t his responsibility.

You know, I remember folks hanging a moniker on President Reagan.  They called him “The Great Communicator.”  That’s cause he was right good at talkin’.  But he also took responsibility for getting’ things done even when some weren’t to his liking.  One thing I don’t never remember was Reagan blaming other folks.  Can’t recall even once.  Can’t recall NO President blaming others like this one does.  

Maybe it’s time to hang one of them monikers on President Obama.  One I been thinking on is “The Great Finger Pointer.”  Like the younguns’ say, “Just saying.”  Gotta go do chores.  I still am…
Justan O. Geezer

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