18 August 2010

White people can’t say nigger

Reckon that title makes me a racist, but I got somethin’ else to talk about first. There’s been a heap o’ noise lately about this Dr. Laura Schlessinger and her radio show. Didn’t know who she was till this flap. So I ain’t no fan of hers. And I do think she kind of went off the deep end there, if you know what I mean. But… if you read the whole conversation (at http://mediamatters.org/blog/201008120045), maybe she did have a point to make.

Why is it that some folks can use certain words in their everyday conversations, while other folks ain’t supposed to use the same words at all? Why is it Americans of Negro decent use the word nigger all the time, but if Americans who are white use it, they are labeled as racists? Heck, they could even be arrested and charged with a “hate crime.” So why is the word nigger banned, but other defamatory words like whitey, honky ‘n a bunch of other words ain’t banned? Is that equality?

Let’s face the ugly truth here folks: Everybody, black, white or green, has got prejudices. Like, I especially hate politicians tellin’ me bald-faced lies (and thinkin’ they’re getting’ away with it.). But I don’t hate folks just cause their skin looks different from mine. I’d pick cotton ‘long side any man (or woman). ...Though I’d probably get pretty riled up with some young whippersnapper who ain’t pickin’ his share.

That doctor lady done a damn poor job of it, but I do believe the point she was trying to make, was more akin to a saying my pappy used to have, “Weeds need hoed no matter what they look like.” If we’re supposed to be equal, how come we got different rules for different folks? We gotta get rid of all the weeds.

Oh yeah, I used that word that Dr. Laura and her black female caller used, so now I’m a racist. That got me to thinking ‘bout another thing that happened not long ago. This here fella, LeBron James (one hell of a basketball player) decided not to stay with his old team, the Cavaliers. The team owner, Dan Gilbert, threw a conniption over LeBron's “lack of loyalty to the fans.” Now even Ernie down at the Casey’s knows that Gilbert’s fit was really about losing his main draw at the gate. Now that poor millionaire will have to depend on income from his casinos. OK, but to continue this soap orpy, in steps the Rev. Jesse Jackson who made a statement saying Gilbert was “treating James like a runaway slave.” Nobody nailed Jackson to the cross for that one. Reckon only white folks can be racist.

But you know what? I really don’t give a plugged nickel, ‘cause I’m plumb tired of being called names myself. They don’t think I can hear ‘em, but I do. I ain’t deef yet. I hear ‘em call me an old hick. I am fed up to here with it. The next time one of them city folks calls me a hick, I’m going straight up there to the TV station and raise hell about the way I’m getting’ treated. I’m gonna demand I get respect, even if I am Justan O. Geezer.

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