16 November 2011

AARP Again

Reckon I didn’t expect to be writin’ about AARP again so soon.  The ink hardly dried (or whatever it does now days on these computers) when a neighbor from up north give me a earful.  I’ll call him Paul, just to give him a handle and protect the guilty.  Well sir, Paul’s ‘bout ready to spit nails over them folks at AARP.

First off, he said I should go see the AARP website for proof of what I writ before.  Downright easy to find it, just like he said.  I just typed in www.AARP.com.  Now let me tell you Clyde, I looked all over that website and I couldn’t find the word “retired” no where!  Not once.  Paul was right.  They really are hiding who they are so they can go after younger folks!
After all these years, that’s downright disappointin’.  Me and a bunch of my neighbors been members of AARP for a long time.  We get free magazines and discounts on all sorts of stuff.  You can pull out that AARP card in a bunch of places and get a discount of some kind.  ’Course sometimes it’s only good on Tuesday or somethin’ like that, but if you plan it right, them pennies add up.  We tried to get Mildred to give AARP discounts at the Café, but she wouldn’t hear of it.  We keep goin’ there anyway.  Too far to go to a different restaurant.

 We don’t care none, but we all know AARP is in cahoots with them insurance companies too.  So we come to expect a letter from them every couple weeks tryin’ to get us to buy one kind of insurance or another.  Most folks just throw them letters in the trash.  Come to think of it, them folks at AARP spent a lot of postage tryin’ to get us to buy insurance. 

Well anyway, the thing that got Paul so hoppin’ mad was how AARP’s been using his dues money to try and get folks to vote one way or another.  He says they ain’t nothing more than one of them Washington Lobbyist outfits.  He says a while back they even sent him some fancy printed up petitions.  He was supposed to sign and send ‘em back to AARP so’s they could go dump all them petitions on his Congressman and Senators desks.  Besides that, they wanted him to send along some extra money to help pay for what they already done.  The kicker was they went and done that trick all over again a couple months later.  Paul says he got so mad, he called up and cancelled his membership right then and there.  It just ain’t right that AARP takes membership dues and spends it on lobbying. 

Just yesterday I got a letter from AARP. They say it’s time to renew my membership again. They’re even offerin’ to send a free travel bag if’n I hurry up and git it done.  Reckon I’m gonna have to think on it awhile.  Maybe I don’t really need them discounts.  Places here in town don’t give AARP discounts anyway.  Gotta go up to the city for that.  But reckon I’ll miss them free magazines.  Well, that’s what I think neighbor, even if I am…
Justan O. Geezer

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