28 October 2010


So, ya didn’t think I knew that word, much less could spell it, did ya.  Well neighbor, I can… even though I reckon it’s one of the dumbest words this side of a rock.  It wheren’t even a word until some hippies back in the 60s made it up.  An’ they musta been smokin’ somethin’ when they did, if you know what I mean.

They done made it up from 2 real words: homo – a Latin word meaning human being.  And phobia, from the Greek word phobos which means it scares the livin’ manure outta ya.

Now somehow or t'other, them hippies decided their fake word should mean - hatin’ those folk we used call queer.  OK, queer ain’t the best word either, but least it’s a real word.  And if you think about it, it does kinda describe how them folks act compared to most.  Anyway, that homophobia word is about wrong as tits on a boar hog.  It sure ain’t about all human beings and it ain’t about being scared of something either.

Maybe, if'n they hadn’t been smokin' or snortin’ something, they woulda used some other words that had a real meaning.  Take the word homosexual: Greek:homos and Latin:sexus.  Now there’s a word that’s been around a good 100 years longer and means what is says – same sex.  So if ya want, you can make a phobia outta that one and call it homosexiphobia.  'Course that wouldn’t be right either, friend!  Cause I ain’t never heard of nobody that was actually scared of no homosexuals.

Reckon I don’t rightly know of a good word to make up that would mean the right thing.  Gotta admit that.  But I do know that mostly folks just realize homosexuals are different and don’t really want to hear ‘bout their private lives.  Folks also pretty much realize that homosexuals are more like the rest of us than different from us.  Each got talents and faults.  Folks sure as hell ain’t scared of ‘em.  But mostly folks are just tired of hearin’ how the majority of us should change our ways to suit somebody else.  I just don’t cotton to ‘minority rule.’  But then, what do I know, I am…
Justan O. Geezer

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