04 November 2010

It's Over!

Yep neighbor, it’s finally over.  Folks has voted and we can get back to watchin’ commercials for cars, cosmetics and them prescription drugs ya can’t get without tellin’ your doctor ya want ‘em.

Now that the votes are counted, looks like there’s gonna be some movin’ in and out of offices up in the state capitol. At least the movers there will have a job for a while. We’re danged lucky down here. Heck, we’re so small, we didn’t even get “visits” from them politicians.  Reckon we like it like that.  Sheriff CJ Gunn says we couldn’t afford having them guys traipsin’ around the county anyway.  Says his budget don't include all that overtime and extra deputies and all.  CJ is a real practical guy just like his father, Peter was.

'Round here, we don’t need no partisan politickin’.  We know who we’re gonna vote for ‘cause we talk to ‘em all the time.  We know what they really stand for.  Like Clyde Hammond, the bank manager.  He got reelected to Council.  No surprise there.  Jeremy Schwartz, that lawyer from Springfield didn’t get enough votes to count.  Wouldn’t be at all surprised to see him move now that he lost.  I’m guessing the old Wyler place’ll be back on the market right soon.  Not sure where Schwartz is going to move to next, but I’m sure he’ll run again.  Seems like carpetbaggin’s in his blood.

Any way, reckon we’ll get a little break from all them political ads.  After all, buying season is up next.   That’ll keep ever’body busy for a while.  But you can bet your last hog them ads'll be startin’ up again right after the New Years’ Day football game.   Meantime, I’m gonna set back an' enjoy the (relative) quiet.  As always, I am…
Justan O. Geezer

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