20 February 2012

Much Is Expected

The other day, President Obama done somethin’ I ain’t heard before.  He quoted the Good Book.  He didn’t get exactly right, but it was Luke 12:48.  “When someone has been given much, much will be required in return.”  Good words, neighbor.  And true today as they was 2000 years ago.

We know the President dusted off the Bible ‘cause he got blasted by Rick Santorum for his claimin’ to be a Christian, but not doin’ much of anything to show it.  Now I ain’t gonna go commentin’ about that.  I been thinkin’ a might different.

What I been thinkin’ is that over the years, lots of folks have quoted the Bible.  Most the time I seen it, them folks was usin’ them quotes to backup something they said or done.  They was trying to show the Good Lord was on their side.  And over there in the Middle East, bunches of them extremists been quoted their Quran to try and justify what they been doin’.  Ever’body is claimin’ God’s on their side.

But if you ponder that Obama quoted, you’re gonna see he was really takin’ another stab at rich folks.  He’s still pushin’ that socialist thing about taxin’ the rich.  Reckon he don’t think it applies to him though.  Most folks would think he’s been given much more than they got.  And most my neighbors consider  the President to be one of the rich ones hisself.  Besides that, he’s been given a education most folks can’t get.  (And we still don’t know how he done that.)  Us folks can’t hardly get loans, but he’s been given a bunch of money. (And we don’t know where it all come from.)  How many other folks, black or white or green, been given as much as he’s got?

To my thinkin’, folks that go quotin’ the Bible oughta look in a mirror ‘fore they open their mouths.  But what do I know, I am…
Justan O. Geezer

16 February 2012

Late Night Politics

Howdy neighbor.  Y’all watch any of them late night comedians?  You know, the ones that come on after the late news?  The ones where the only reason the “guests” show up is to push their latest movie or book.  Or, if the guest ain’t doin’ that, they’re drinkin’ buddies or political kissin’ cousins of the host. 

Well, if you do watch ‘em, just skip on down to the next paragraph whilst I explain it to the folks that don’t stay up late ‘cause they gotta get up early for work.  Well sir, first off, a bunch of musicians play this really loud,  really bad noise (they call it music) while some announcer that don't show his face tells you who’s gonna be the "guests" on the show.  Then the comedian comes out on stage while the audience hoops and hollers, just like they been told to by flashin’ red signs.  After the comedian/host gets his ego built up enough, he starts into a “monologue.”   It’s kinda like a stand-up comedy routine, but it ain’t.  That’s ‘cause the guy is reading the jokes off “cue cards” instead of rememberin’ them like normal comedians do. 

Used to was, back in the day, the monologue made fun of some current events or things that was happenin’ around the world.  And sometimes they’d even have jokes about  politics.  Now I’m talkin’ about back in the days of Steve Allen and Johnny Carson and the like.  Them guys was funny and they done it without makin’ fun of folks.  They woulda never thought about attacking folks on a personal level.  We still got some great comedians like that, but they ain’t hostin’ no late night TV. 

Seems like nowadays, all these guys can do is insult folks, ‘specially politicians – mostly cause they ain’t as far left as the comedians themselves.  Basically, these guys just do some variation of the same old  joke every night.  Down right borin’, if you ask me.  Reckon I can’t figure why good folks stay up late for this stuff.  ‘Course, maybe them comedians are just preachin’ to the choir.

Whoa!  Gotta go, neighbor.  Past my bedtime.
Justan O. Geezer

11 February 2012

The Racist President

Politicians are always out there tryin’ to get everybody to vote for them.  Sometimes, they’d put out ads that was meant for certain folks more than others.  But they was always shootin’ for every vote.  Looks like them days are over.  You ain’t never gonna  hear about this change on the evening news either.  Not even on Fox or CNN.  That’s ‘cause it’s happened on the internet.  This President only wants certain folks to vote for him.  President Obama’s re-election website is neatly carved up to divide and conquer.  Don’t take my word for it, Clyde.  Look it up yourself.  Just type this on your computer: http://www.barackobama.com  Then look under Groups.

He’s got a section for “young activists” who are supposed to form up campus rallies.  Kinda sounds like the socialist rallies of the 60s to me.  And he tells ‘em how he wants to spend billions on education and increase student aid and he wants to give it to them direct.  Gee, free money for the young’uns. 

He’s got a section just for Latinos.  Says he wants to “reform” immigration.  He thinks we should let the illegals stay for free medical care, free education… and their vote.  Says he wants more Pell Grants so them illegals can get that free education.  Gee free money.

He’s got a section for LGBT Americans.  That would be lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender, Clyde.  ‘Course sometimes they call it GLBT.  Depends on which one’s in charge I guess. 

He’s even got a section for “people of faith.”  Now that’s down right funny, ain’t it.  This here’s the President that only goes to church when he’s campaigning.  And the same one that just got done attacking the religious beliefs of some folks.  You reckon folks will take this section serious?

And at the top on his list is the biggest group of hyphenated Americans, African Americans.  Now everybody knows Obama got to be President mostly ‘cause he got way over 90% of the black vote.  That ain’t racist, neighbor.  It’s just a fact.  Yep, he’s got this section to urge all black folks to “check out new ways you can take ownership of this (his) campaign.”   Reckon he’s right cocky now that his biggest threat is gone.  That would of been Herman, of course.  Too bad politics is the dirtiest business on Earth.

But did you notice anything missing there?  I’ll help ya, neighbor.  He ain’t got no white folks section.  Oh, he’ll talk to ever’body in a crowd, but it’s plain as the horns on a bull, he’s not only wagin’ class warfare with a strategy of divide and conquer, but he’s racist too. 

You know, back some years, Osama Bin Laden said he was gonna work to bring down our country from within.  Anybody remember that?  I think it’s time to wake up neighbor, ‘fore our country is gone.
Justan O. Geezer

09 February 2012

Americans Attacked by Washington

Most folks ‘round here still think of the good ole US of A as “the land of the free.”  You know, we can say what we want, live where we want and worship like we choose.  Well, leastwise if we pay our taxes.  Truth be told, little by little, we’re losin’ it neighbor.  And if the only thing you do is watch TV “news,” you might just miss that story amongst the advertising and self-promotion.  You know, I ain’t askin’ nobody to just believe me.  But you can still read about it in the papers.  And you young’uns know how to do that stuff on your phones.  

Anyway, I hear tell the government has issued hundreds of “regulations” and “guidelines” in the last 3 years that’s affected ever’thing from soup to nuts.  We never hear ‘bout it ‘cause it don’t affect us direct.  They’re mostly controlling companies or some function of the State.  Sometimes we do hear about it ‘cause it affects our schools.  Like when they “offer” money to help the schools, but only if the school will teach what they want or hire somebody (without funding) or some kinda strings like that.  Them people in Washington just wanna control everything.  We’re slowing losin’ it.

The latest attack ain’t from the EPA or one of them other alphabets.  This one’s from none other than the US Dept. of Health and they’re attackin’ religious beliefs!  Yep, I know that sounds like some kinda sick joke, but it’s true.   Health Secretary Sebelius says all employers gotta pay for abortions and birth-control even if that act goes against their religious beliefs.  Y’all remember Kathy Sebelius, don't you?  Obama moved her to Washington from Kansas.  Liberal, I think.

Well, Sebelius says it ain’t her fault.  Reckon we heard that phrase a bunch in the last 3 years.  Anyway, she says she’s just enforcing that ObamaCare law that Congress passed.  Really?  You tryin’ to tell me she actually read through that thing?  So what other surprises she find?  

Even some Democrats are saying they never woulda voted for that dog if they’d known what all was in it.  That’s what Congresswoman Kathy Dahlkemper said.  She’s a Democrat outta Pennsylvania.  Reckon that confirms my suspicions, neighbor.  Them folks in Congress never did read the darned thing ‘fore they voted for it.  Makes you wonder if they can read at all.

So now the truth about ObamaCare is finally beginning to come out.  And part of that truth is that charitable and religious organizations (like hospitals and charities and colleges) are gonna be forced to pay for stuff that’s against their beliefs!  ObamaCare is gonna make them pay for abortions and “day after” pills(abortion pills) amonst other stuff.  And here we thought the Constitution guaranteed the government couldn’t interfere with religion.  It ain’t just the “A” list(atheists, anarchists and ACLU) that’s tryin’ the push religion out of America.  It’s the socialists too.  They even add sneak attacks into health issues.  

I ain’t afraid to say my piece about what’s happening to my country.  So what about the rest of the REAL 99%?  Do folks really want this to become the USSA?
Justan O. Geezer

01 February 2012

More Corporate Welfare

The other mornin', me and a couple neighbors was having breakfast down at Mildred's Cafe.  The subject of welfare came up.  As you might guess, the conversation got goin' right good.  PC folks woulda called it "a spirited discussion."  Reckon, we did get a might loud.  One young fella musta overheard us.  After he paid his bill, he stopped by our table and said, "You guys are all on welfare you know. You get Social Security,  Medicare and stuff and all those farm subsidies too."  Well sir, we let that whipper-snappy have his say, even if he'd no idea what he was talkin' about.

I gotta admit, the subject changed a bit after that.  We got to talkin' about all them government farm subsidy programs.  Some of them subsidies only affects folks in certain areas.  You know, like peanuts.  That’s growed in the South, so farmers from Georgia to Texas might benefit.  But they only get about 3% of the money in that golden pot run by the government.

Most of that subsidy money goes for grain.  In fact, grains get over 80% of the pie.  And the biggest part of that is for corn.  With all them ethanol mandates and such, it pays good to grow corn!  Trouble is, me and the neighbors don't get diddly-squat.  Mostly them subsidies go to folks in Spokane and Miami and Washington DC.  Yep. You heard me right friend.  That's where the folks that own them big farming corporations live.  They sure 'nough ain't from around here! 

So what me and my neighbors decided is the government could save about $8 billion a year if they cut out the welfare to them big farm corporations.  That'd help that National Debt thing don't ya know.  Most of us wouldn't miss the few bucks we might get.  Something to think about neighbor.  While you’re thinkin’.  I’ll just mosey on over to the couch for a snooze.
Justan O. Geezer